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CESR Fellows in Histopathology (SAS / Registrar Grade)

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Job Description

A Health Board in Wales is looking to appoint four middle grade histopathologists to work in an innovative CESR Fellow posts. Appointed at the level of a specialty doctor or specialist with a view to transition into a locum consultant post after 12-months, and substantive consultant post after 24-months - this is a really unique type of opportunity and not one found across the NHS. Any IMG with FRCPath and an ambition to forge a long-term career in the UK and develop as a specialist histopathologist should apply.

Short / mid / long-term ambitions for this role.

Short-term, there is the opportunity to work within a close group of four other IMG anatomical pathologists, all holding FRCPath Histopathology. You'll be onboarded with a full supportive team, including one designated CESR Mentor for the Trust, a specially appointed Educational Supervisor with joint responsibility for your CESR portfolio for specialist registration. The role will be structured specifically to a) ensure you are reporting up to speed as an NHS-trained histopathologists as soon as possible and b) to provide a structured job plan with milestones that will enable quick progression through the Portfolio Pathway in Histopathology. 

Mid-term you'll begin to form specialist interests in the common and less common anatomical areas. After two years the role may offer you the new regional hub - a centre of digitalised excellence and the jewel in the Pathology Crown of Wales.

Long-term, the potential is enormous as you'll be joining the region specialist network, newly built and housing a 30-35 consultant lead service for histopathology alone. Microbiology, IHC, haematology, and other lab-medicine services will be based out of this large centre of excellence. Fully digitalised and specialist reporting functions will be run from this hub, as well as major teaching and developmental functions for the region. 

Life in the area

It's a beautiful life in this part of Wales, with beaches, beautfuil forest, lakes and mountains all available to you in your free-time. It's a low cost of living area too, it's a bit of a dream for the right person. We can chat more about that over a call with one of our team.

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