CESR Applications for Psychiatrists

  • April 25, 2022

In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the specific guidance on NHS applications for entry onto the Specialist Register through the Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) for psychiatrists. 

We’ll cover the eligibility criteria, application process, and most importantly the required evidence, along with some other topics, summarised in the headings below: 

Skip ahead to the relevant section if you know what you’re looking for. 

An Introduction to CESR 

The CESR, or Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration, is the route to specialist registration for psychiatrists who have not completed a GMC-approved training programme but who are able to demonstrate that their specialist training, qualifications and experience are equivalent to the requirements for the award of CCT in the UK.  

CESR holders can be appointed to substantive (or permanent) consultant positions in the NHS. As a psychiatrist, attaining specialist registration will mean you are qualified to practice independently as a psychiatry consultant in the NHS. 

Psychiatrists must satisfy the GMC that their specialist training or specialist qualifications, when considered together, are equivalent to a CCT in the specialty in question. Doctors who have undertaken a minimum of 6 months training or obtained a specialist qualification and acquired specialist medical experience or knowledge as a psychiatrist within a non-training post, and are currently practicing, may apply to the GMC for assessment of their competencies. 

Overseas doctors do not require CESR before moving to the UK to work in the NHS. Often, experienced psychiatrists will secure a post in the UK, and work towards CESR whilst in post. Typically, CESR is a preferred route towards specialist registration for overseas trained psychiatrists. 

An overseas psychiatrists training may not have covered all the ground of the CCT curriculum, but they may be able to show competence in the missing area through experience in a fixed term Specialty Doctor, Specialty Grade, Associate Specialist, or Acting Consultant post in the NHS. In this case, overseas psychiatrists will likely complete the MRCPsych exams to gain GMC registration and start working in the NHS, before completing CESR.  

MRCPsych for Specialist Registration 

Overseas doctors looking to join the Specialist Register are not required to have completed the Royal College postgraduate exams. In this case, MRCPsych is only a requirement for doctors looking to attain Specialist Registration via the CCT route.  

The standard test of knowledge in the CCT curriculum is the MRCPsych exam, so passing these exams confirms the attainment of the competencies of the core Curriculum. 

However, if CESR applicants have not successfully completed MRCPsych, they must provide alternative evidence that demonstrates equivalent knowledge to psychiatrists who have passed the exams. 

Even if the competencies covered by the exam require something that someone in your position would not routinely undertake (in your sub-specialty for example), you must still provide evidence of it – as the evaluators will not make assumptions outside of the evidence presented. 

This is not to be confused with the requirements for registering for a full licence to practice with the GMC – many overseas applicants choose to complete MRCPsych.

Specialist Registration is additional to full registration with the GMC and is therefore not required to practice as a psychiatrist in the UK. 

You can read more about the full MRCPsych examination suite in our IMG Resources library

The CESR Equivalence Process 

Equivalence refers to the process of assessing an overseas applicant’s training and experience against the current psychiatry training programme requirements, in order to be awarded CESR. 

The equivalence process involves submitting a written body of evidence to the GMC, consisting of: 

  • training and/or competence; AND 
  • skills and knowledge 

The Royal College of Psychiatrists will assess each application against the relevant Curriculum before providing a recommendation to the GMC, who will then make a decision. 

Please note that Equivalence procedures are the responsibility of the GMC. Applications are made through their Certification Department and initial enquiries should be directed there. 

Evidence Requirements for CESR in Psychiatry 

Skills & Experience: The evidence provided for a CESR application in psychiatry must cover the knowledge, skills and qualifications to demonstrate the required competencies in all areas of the General Psychiatry Curriculum, and the Advanced Module in the sub-specialty you are applying in. If evidence is missing from any area of the curriculum, the application will fail. 

Primary Evidence: To demonstrate that you can do what is required by the curriculum, you need to submit primary evidence of your clinical practice which shows how you work on a day-to-day basis: letters, reports, assessments etc. References, retrospective case summaries, and reflective notes can all be used in a CESR application, but by themselves they are not sufficient. 

Audit & Governance: You are required to submit evidence of your active leadership in audit, including evidence that you have completed at least one audit cycle 

Currency of evidence: Your evaluators will be looking for evidence of current competency, generally defined as within the last five years. If you have completed training before this point, it is crucial that you provide evidence of maintaining competency across the whole area of the curriculum.  

The GMC asks that only evidence that is strictly relevant is sent as it will help them to process the application quicker. The guidance on compiling your evidence will help you to decide what is relevant and what is not – you can find this on the GMC website here

As a general guide, the GMC usually expects to see about 800 - 1200 pages of evidence, divided into four different domains, reflecting those of Good Medical Practice. The GMC recommends that you apportion the evidence provided as shown below: 

Domain 1 – Knowledge, skills and performance 

Domain 2 – Safety and quality 

Domain 3 – Communication, partnership and teamwork 

Domain 4 – Maintaining trust 

Please note, you cannot compensate for evidence lacking in one area by providing more evidence in another area. 

The full list of evidence required for each domain can be found on the GMC website here

Gathering Evidence for a CESR Application 

Domain 1 – Knowledge, skills and performance 


  • Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) 
  • Specialist medical qualification(s) 
  • Curriculum or syllabus (if undertaken outside the UK) 
  • Specialist registration outside the UK 
  • Honours and prizes 
  • Other relevant qualifications 

Assessments and appraisals 

  • Appraisals and assessments 
  • RITAs, ARCPs and training assessments 
  • 360˚ and multi-source feedback 
  • Awards and discretionary points letters 
  • Personal development plans (PDP) 

Logbooks, records of daily clinical practice and portfolios 

  • Logbooks 
  • Consolidation, cumulative data sheets, summary lists and annual caseload statistics 
  • Medical reports 
  • Case histories 
  • Referral letters discussing patient handling 
  • Patient lists 
  • Departmental (or trust) workload statistics and annual caseload statistics 
  • Rotas, timetables and job plans 
  • Portfolios (electronic or revalidation) 

Details of posts and duties (including both training and experience posts) 

  • Employment letters and contracts of employment 
  • Job descriptions 
  • Job plans 

Research, publications and presentations 

  • Research papers, grants, patent designs 
  • Publications within specialty field 
  • Presentations, poster presentations 

CPD and CME 

  • CPD record certificates, certificates of attendance, workshops and at local, national and international meetings or conferences 
  • CPD registration points from UK Medical Royal College (or equivalent body overseas) 
  • Membership of professional bodies and organisations 
  • Teaching timetables 
  • Lectures 
  • Feedback or evaluation forms from those taught 
  • Letters from colleagues 
  • Attendance at teaching or appraisal courses 
  • Participation in assessment or appraisal and appointments processes 

Domain 2 – Safety and quality 

Participation in audit, service improvement 

  • Audits undertaken by applicant 
  • Reflective diaries 
  • Service Improvement and clinical governance meetings 


  • Health and safety 

Domain 3 - Communication, partnership and teamwork 


  • Colleagues 
  • Patients 

Partnership and teamwork 

  • Working in multidisciplinary teams 
  • Management and leadership experience 
  • Chairing meetings and leading projects 

Domain 4 – Maintaining trust 

Acting with honesty and integrity 

  • Honest and integrity 
  • Equality and human rights (including disability, human rights, race, religion and ethnicity awareness and equal opportunities) 
  • Data protection 

Relationships with patients 

  • Testimonials and letters from colleagues 
  • Thank you letters, cards from colleagues and patients 
  • Complaints and responses to complaints 

Additional areas of evidence 

Topics Covered in the MRCPsych Exams 

Paper A: 

  • Behavioural science and sociocultural psychiatry 
  • Basic psychology 
  • Social psychology 
  • Social science and sociocultural psychiatry  
  • Human development  
  • Basic neurosciences 
  • Neuroanatomy 
  • Neurophysiology  
  • Neurochemistry  
  • Molecular genetics 
  • Neuropathology  
  • Clinical psychopharmacology 
  • General principles 
  • Pharmacokinetics  
  • Pharmacodynamics 
  • Adverse drug reactions  
  • Classification and assessment in psychiatry 

Paper B: 

Organisation and delivery of psychiatric services  

General adult psychiatry  

  • Prevalence/incidence, aetiology, presentation, treatment and outcome of psychiatric disorder in adulthood  
  • Disorders related to pregnancy and childbirth  
  • General hospital psychiatry  
  • Emergency psychiatry  
  • Eating disorders  
  • Psychosexual disorders  

Old age psychiatry  


  • Dynamic psychotherapy  
  • Family therapy  
  • Cognitive-behavioural therapies  
  • Other therapeutic models  
  • Effectiveness of psychotherapy  
  • Group therapy  

Child and adolescent psychiatry  

Substance misuse/addictions  

Forensic psychiatry  

  • Relationship between crime and mental disorder  
  • Psychiatry and the criminal justice system  
  • Practicing psychiatry in a secure setting  
  • Human rights legislation as it affects patients and psychiatric practice  

Learning disability  

  • Services  
  • Epidemiology/Aetiology  
  • Clinical  

Research methods, statistics, critical review and evidence-based practice  

  • Translation of clinical uncertainty into an answerable question  
  • Systematic retrieval of the best available evidence  
  • Critical appraisal of the evidence  
  • Application of the results in practice  

Evaluation of performance 

All these topics covered in the MRCPsych exams can be found in the Core Training in Psychiatry curriculum.  

For more guidance on the different types of evidence, see the specialty specific guidance from the GMC for psychiatry

Validating the evidence  

Original documents which are on headed paper with a hospital stamp and original signatures do not need additional validation.  

All photocopied evidence should contain a hospital stamp on every page of each document, the validator’s name (printed and in full), job title (printed and in full) and original signature. 

Submitting a CESR Application 

All CESR applications are submitted online via GMC Online and if you have not already created an account, you can find a guide on how to do so here

Electronic evidence is required for each of the different evidence sections of the CESR application. Once started, the online application remains open for 12 months, meaning that it can be used as a portfolio to gather evidence against each of the different sections. 

Your electronic evidence can be in any of the following formats: 

  • .doc 
  • .pdf 
  • .ppt 
  • .xls 

Formats outside of these are unlikely to be accepted. 

The Online Application 

You will be required to complete the following sections once you begin your application: 

  • Specialty details 
  • Qualification details and professional experience 
  • Details of your referees 
  • Registration and licensing history 
  • Evidence summary 
  • Details of your verifiers 
  • Final declaration and payment 

Additional Evidence 

Once an Adviser on the Specialist Applications Team has reviewed your initial evidence, they will provide you with information on:  

  • What evidence they’ve accepted  
  • What evidence they’re unable to accept (including the reasons for this)  
  • Advice and guidance on how your application could be strengthened  

You’ll have up to 60 days to provide additional documentary evidence in support of your application (30 days if you’ve submitted a Review application). 

For further information about the online application process, see the GMC’s User Guide

The Cost of CESR Applications 

All psychiatrists applying for Specialist Registration must pay a fee. For CESR, this fee is £1,676. For CESR-CP and CCT, the cost is £439. 

How long does it take to receive a decision? 

The GMC estimate that it can take between six and eight months to receive a decision, from the date you submit your CESR application. 

How long does it take to complete?  

As there is a substantial amount of evidence to gather for a CESR application, the process of preparing all the necessary documentation and applying for CESR can take even longer than this, and a typical candidate will usually set out to complete this within 1 – 3 years. 

It is worth noting that more senior psychiatrists, such as consultants, are more likely to have achieved all the competences outlined in the curriculum. 

The indicative period of training for a CCT in psychiatry is six years, so it is highly unlikely that you would achieve the competencies required for a CCT in a shorter period of time. Therefore, CESR is not suitable for more junior psychiatrists. 

NHS Positions in the NHS without CESR 

It is important to note that you can apply for more senior psychiatry roles such as a specialty doctor (SAS), specialist grade or acting consultant without being on the Specialist Register. 

Similarly, overseas doctors do not require CESR before moving to the UK to work in the NHS. 

When compared to a trainee post, you will likely receive better pay and responsibilities that are more appropriate to your level of experience. While working in these positions, you can collect evidence of your competences, particularly those specific to the UK psychiatry curriculum. 

Across the UK there are several NHS Trusts with well-established CESR programmes of support for psychiatrists who have taken up a fixed term post with the view to completing CESR.  

These positions also facilitate a faster route to working in UK and attaining Specialist Registration when compared to making an application for CESR from overseas, which can take an additional amount of time.  

#IMG Tips 

  1. Research/think about the types of evidence you will need and begin to gather your evidence well in advance of making your application.  
  2. Gather evidence prospectively – this is much easier than retrospectively trying to pull together the evidence under additional pressures. 
  3. Make sure that your evidence is of the highest possible quality and is current – you will be assessed against the most recent curriculum.  
  4. Ensure that the evidence you collect demonstrates your competence across the whole of the psychiatry curriculum, not just your sub-specialty.    
  5. Remember to refer to the most up-to-date Psychiatry CCT Curriculum and Specialty Specific Guidance for the evidence requirements in your specialty.  
  6. Create a CESR ‘to-do list’ with sections under the GMC’s 4 domain headings – organise your evidence directly into these sections to manage your progress. 
  7. Do not submit original documents – all your copies, other than qualifications you’re getting authenticated must be accompanied by a proformas signed by the person who is attesting to the validity and accuracy of your evidence (your verifier). 
  8. Choose your referees carefully - they will need to be able to comment on direct observation of your clinical competences. At least six (from the last 5 years) are required but it would be preferable to give provide eight to ten (based on previous experience).  
  9. Reconstruct your CV from scratch so that it matches the application form - if you submit a CV that doesn’t contain the required information or you have not submitted all evidence as mentioned on the CV, this will delay your application.  
  10. Request a CV consultation with one of our experts
  11. Ask an IMG Connect recruitment specialist about NHS psychiatry posts with CESR support. These are not always advertised by a Trust, but we can help you find a role which aligns well with your career goals in the NHS. 
  12. Join the IMG Psychiatrists community – as well as support on Royal College exams, our online community of international psychiatrists and dedicated psychiatry recruiters offers guidance on other aspects of working in the UK, including finding NHS posts and CESR. 

Getting started 

Attaining Specialist Registration through the CESR pathway can be a long but very rewarding process. Look at our introduction to CESR for psychiatrists for a full overview. 

If you have any further questions about Specialist Registration, your route to the UK, or would like guidance in finding NHS posts which offer CESR support, please get in touch with us here.  

To receive the latest news and updates on all things psychiatry, including the Royal College, GMC registration and the NHS, follow us on social media and join the conversation. 



Relevant Jobs


An excellent job opportunity for an experienced Consultant Adult Inpatient Psychiatrist to join a private healthcare organisation near to Birmingham. This role is based within a well-established inpatient setting, offering a great chance to advance your medical career and earn a higher salary compared to the NHS. This job provides CESR Portfolio Pathway support, welcoming international applications from IMGs.

Working in Private Healthcare
This private organisation is recognized for its commitment to delivering exceptional mental health services. They are known for its multidisciplinary approach, working collaboratively to provide holistic, patient-centric care. Specializing in general adult psychiatry, they focus on promoting recovery and improving the quality of life for its patients. The team is dedicated to ongoing innovation and quality improvement, ensuring that the highest standards of care are consistently met. This job offers a unique opportunity to be part of a dynamic team that values professional development and excellence in clinical practice.

The Psychiatry Department & Team
The Psychiatry Department has a 10-bedded ward for psychiartric intensive care unit for females of working age, and another 9-bedded ward for acute service which provides treatment for females of working age. The department is comprised of a multidisciplinary team dedicated to providing comprehensive inpatient care for adults with severe mental health conditions. The team includes consultants, junior doctors, psychologists, nurses, and allied health professionals, all working together to deliver evidence-based treatments. The department is committed to fostering a supportive and collaborative environment, where every team member plays a vital role in patient care.

The approach emphasizes continuous improvement and innovation, with regular team meetings and clinical governance sessions to ensure the highest quality of care.

Continued Professional Development:

This job offers further training & accreditation within general adult psychiatry, including CESR Portfolio Pathway Support, access to specialty training, and the opportunity to develop sub-specialist interests. They support its medical staff in pursuing their professional goals, providing access to a wide range of CPD opportunities, including in-house training programs and supervision. This commitment to professional development ensures that consultants are well-equipped to advance in their careers while delivering the highest standard of care to their patients.

This private healthcare organisation is located in the midlands not fare from Birmingham. The area boasts a low cost of living, making it an attractive option for those relocating. It is a safe and family-friendly area with excellent schools, a rich cultural scene, and plenty of recreational activities. The region is known for its natural beauty, with easy access to national parks and outdoor pursuits. Additionally, it has excellent transport links, making it easy to connect with other parts of the UK.

Am I eligible for this role?
UK based candidates:

  • Experience in General Adult Psychiatry
  • CCT (Preferred)
  • Section 12 
  • AC Status (Preferred)

EEA candidates: 

  • Experience in General Adult Psychiatry
  • European Specialist Qualification

Non-EEA candidates:

  • MRCPsych
  • Experience in General Adult Psychiatry
99,532 - 131,964

An excellent NHS job opportunity for an experienced psychiatrist to join this NHS Trust as a Specialist Doctor working in a community psychiatry setting in the UK. This NHS job offers CESR Portfolio Pathway support and international applications from IMGs are welcome.

The NHS Trust

The NHS Foundation Trust is a renowned provider of integrated healthcare services, covering a broad spectrum of care. The Trust is committed to delivering high-quality, compassionate care and has received accolades for its innovative approaches and excellent clinical outcomes. As part of the NHS, the Trust ensures comprehensive mental health services, physical health care, and specialist services to the community. Their robust partnership with local authorities and healthcare providers enhances their service delivery, making it an exceptional place for medical professionals to grow and make a significant impact.

The Department & Team

The Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) team is a forward-thinking, dynamic department. The team provides community-based services to young people up to 18 years old. The department includes a mix of professionals, such as a substantive consultant, trainees, non-medical prescribers, and a well-resourced multidisciplinary team (MDT). The service boasts various specialized programs like the Mental Health in Schools teams, CAMHS Psychiatry Liaison, and Enhanced Support services. Pebble Lodge, the CAMHS inpatient unit, holds an outstanding rating from the Care Quality Commission, reflecting the high standards of care provided.

Continued Professional Development

This NHS job offers further training & accreditation within Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, including CESR Portfolio Pathway Support, access to specialty training, and the opportunity to develop sub-specialist interests. The NHS Foundation Trust supports continuous professional development with structured training programs, opportunities for research, and participation in innovative projects, ensuring doctors can advance their careers and contribute to service development.


The area is a vibrant coastal town known for its stunning beaches, beautiful parks, and a variety of cultural and recreational activities. The area offers a high quality of life with excellent schools, safe neighborhoods, and affordable living costs. With easy access to natural areas of beauty and efficient transport connections to major cities, it is an ideal location for international doctors and their families seeking a balanced lifestyle in the UK.

??????Am I eligible for this role?

UK based candidates:

  • Experience in Child & Adolescent Psychistry

EEA candidates: 

  • Experience in Child & Adolescent Psychistry
  • European Specialist Qualification

Non-EEA candidates:

  • MRCPsych
  • Experience in Child & Adolescent Psychistry
99,000 - 31,000

An excellent NHS job opportunity for an experienced Consultant Psychiatrist to join this NHS Trust in the West of England as a Consultant working in an established acute psychiatric ward in the UK. This NHS job offers CESR Portfolio Pathway support and international applications from IMGs are welcome.

The NHS Trust

This NHS Trust provides Community Health, Mental Health, Social Care, and specialist Learning Disability services. Formed from the merger of two previous trusts, it has been operational since October 1, 2019, and received a ‘Good’ rating from the CQC in 2022. This role offers a unique opportunity to be part of a forward-thinking team dedicated to enhancing patient outcomes.

The General Adult Psychiatry Department & Team

The General Adult Psychiatry department includes acute wards, a PICU, a low-secure unit, and a Hospital-Based Place of Safety. The Consultant Psychiatrist will lead a multidisciplinary team, including a Specialty Doctor, Foundation Doctor, Core Trainee, and nursing staff. Responsibilities include direct patient care, consultation, and supervision of junior doctors, ensuring comprehensive management plans for inpatient treatment and community reintegration. The department is recognized for its high standards, receiving accolades and accreditations from the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the Healthcare Commission.

Continued Professional Development

This NHS job offers further training & accreditation within General Adult Psychiatry, including CESR Portfolio Pathway Support, access to specialty training, and the opportunity to develop sub-specialist interest. Opportunities for teaching, research, clinical governance, and quality improvement projects are integral to the role. The Trust supports continuous professional development with dedicated training for educational and clinical supervision, participation in job planning reviews, and providing resources like a full-time medical secretary, dedicated office space, and modern IT facilities.


This region in the West of England offers an excellent quality of life for international doctors and their families. The cost of living is relatively affordable, and the area boasts a variety of good schools, making it an ideal location for families. The region is rich in history and culture, with numerous attractions, including historic landmarks, museums, and festivals. It is surrounded by beautiful natural areas, perfect for outdoor activities. With excellent transport links, including proximity to major motorways and direct train lines to major cities, this region is well-connected, offering the best of both urban and rural living in the UK.

Am I eligible for this role?

UK based candidates:

  • CCT or Specialist Registration (preferred)
  • Experience in General Adult Inpatient Psychiatry 
  • S12
  • AC (preferred)

EEA candidates: 

  • Experience in General Adult Inpatient Psychiatry
  • European Specialist Qualification

Non-EEA candidates:

  • MRCPsych (preferred)
  • Specialist/Consultant Experience in General Adult Inpatient Psychiatry
110,257 - 164,372

We are looking to recruit a Consultant Psychiatrist to a Crisis & Assessment Team role in the Channel Islands, a UK territory sitting off the coast of France and just a 1 hour flight from London. This job presents a great opportunity to advance your medical career in the UK.

The health service, separate from the NHS, is an integrated, taxation-funded system, free at the point of delivery, managed by the Health and Community Services Department on the island. Key benefits of working there are higher salaries than the NHS, lower taxes and sunnier weather.

Consultant Pay range - £110,257 to £164,372
Single rate of tax - 20%.

The Department & Team

The Crisis and Assessment Team (CAT) serves as the primary gateway to adult and older people\'s mental health services, conducting assessments in the community and emergency settings, alongside medical reviews. They collaborate closely with law enforcement, responding to Adult Protection Notices and coordinating mental health law assessments. This role within the CAT focuses on streamlining referrals, providing short-term crisis interventions, and ensuring individuals receive appropriate ongoing care. You\'ll engage with both working-age adults and older adults, with responsibilities extending to police referrals and mental health law assessments during standard working hours, with on-call commitments.

Continued Professional Development

Professional development is integral to their ethos, offering CESR Portfolio Pathway support, access to specialty training, and opportunities for sub-specialist development. They prioritize ongoing learning through conferences, local CME events, and a generous study leave allowance.

Life in the area

Living in this location offers significant financial benefits. The flat income tax rate of 20% is notably advantageous compared to the UK, and a generous public sector pension scheme is provided, not constrained by UK lifetime or annual contribution limits. The consultant contract closely mirrors the UK model but offers higher incremental levels starting at £110,257 and with a top basic salary of £164,372.

Am I eligible for this role?

UK based candidates:

  • Experience in General Adult Psychiatry
  • Specialist Registration or locum consultant experience

EEA candidates: 

  • Experience in General Adult Psychiatry
  • European Specialist Qualification

Non-EEA candidates:

  • MRCPsych
  • Experience in General Adult Psychiatry
110,257 - 164,372

We are looking to recruit a Consultant Psychiatrist to an Old Age role in the Channel Islands, a UK territory sitting off the coast of France and just a 1 hour flight from London. This job presents a great opportunity to advance your medical career in the UK.

The health service, separate from the NHS, is an integrated, taxation-funded system, free at the point of delivery, managed by the Health and Community Services Department on the island. Key benefits of working there are higher salaries than the NHS, lower taxes and sunnier weather.

Consultant Pay range - £110,257 to £164,372
Single rate of tax - 20%.


What is the health & community service like?

Working in this location is professionally rewarding, offering high-quality, patient-centered care. Clinicians lead in developing and managing services, supported by strong links with UK specialists. With a generous study leave budget, doctors are encouraged to pursue further education. Exciting developments include a new general hospital and a new mental health inpatient unit. The service fosters strong relationships between mental health, primary, and secondary care, promoting joint learning and teaching in a modern education center.

What is the department & team like?

The inpatient services are currently undergoing extensive refurbishment, including two wards for older adults. One ward offers 14 assessment beds for individuals over 65 experiencing functional mental health issues, with some flexibility for those under 65. The other ward provides 10 assessment beds for patients with dementia. Following the refurbishment, the latter ward will feature 8 acute assessment beds and 8 transitional/step-down beds for those with dementia or enduring mental health problems who cannot be supported in local nursing or residential homes.

The Older Adults Community Mental Health Team (OACMHT) manages a caseload of about 300 patients, including new referrals triaged by the Crisis and Assessment team, providing both short-term treatment and long-term care coordination. The role involves providing medical support to the OACMHT alongside two other consultants and a staff grade doctor.

The post holder will join an established team, comprising 2 WTE older adult consultants, 1.0 WTE Associate Specialist (Memory Assessment Service), 2.0 WTE staff grades (inpatient and community), and 1.0 WTE F1 doctor (inpatients and community). Dedicated administrative support includes a 0.5 WTE medical secretary and ward and team secretarial support.

Continued Professional Development

This position offers further training and accreditation within psychiatry, including CESR Portfolio Pathway support, access to specialty training, and the opportunity to develop sub-specialist interests. The post holder will have ample opportunities to develop knowledge, skills, and experience through attendance at relevant courses, conferences, and locally organized CME events. The organization supports Continuing Medical Education with time and financial support, offering study leave of 30 days in 3 years and an annual study leave allowance. Regular case discussions, teaching sessions, and MDT supervision ensure ongoing professional development, meeting the Royal College of Psychiatrists\' CPD requirements.

Living in the Area

Living in this location offers significant financial benefits. The flat income tax rate of 20% is notably advantageous compared to the UK, and a generous public sector pension scheme is provided, not constrained by UK lifetime or annual contribution limits. The consultant contract closely mirrors the UK model but offers higher incremental levels starting at £110,257 and with a top basic salary of £164,372.

Am I eligible for this role?Am I eligible for this role?

UK based candidates:

  • Experience in Old Age Psychiatry
  • Specialist Registration or locum Consultant Experience
EEA candidates: 
  • Experience in Old Age Psychiatry
  • European Specialist Qualification
Non-EEA candidates:
  • MRCPsych
  • Consultant experience in Old Age Psychiatry

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