The NHS is estimated as the 4th biggest employer in the world, employing more than 1.7million...
Despite the scale of the NHS labour force, it still does not have enough staff to meet demand. In this article we will explore the reasons why International Medical Graduates (IMGs) want to work in the NHS, the demand for more staff across the UK in every aspect of UK Healthcare, and some of the reasons working in the NHS can be beneficial for you.
'The United Kingdom (and the NHS) has been, and remains, a popular place to work for doctors and other members of the medical profession'
In the UK, as well as across the globe, it has been well documented that demands on health services have been increasing year-on-year since the millennium. Advances in technology and medicine, wider ranges of healthcare, and an ageing population all play their part. It can also be said that improved practices, safer staffing numbers and planning strategies have also contributed to increasing demand.
Shortfalls in staff, leading to greater demand for overseas practitioners
Over the past few decades shortfalls in NHS Staff across the UK have increased in part due to the slowing growth in training sufficient numbers of staff. When domestic supply slows, the NHS looks to International Recruitment. Current figures estimate that roughly 13 – 15% of hospital and community staff are recorded as having non-British nationality.
The NHS is one of the most efficient, most egalitarian and most comprehensive public health services in the world.
Unemployment levels in the UK are at an all-time high, yet despite this there are many areas of high jobs demand. According to the UK Bureau Visa Department, the UK is experiencing severe shortages in 3 main skill areas which are: engineering, healthcare and art & entertainment. So, for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) looking to build a long-term career, with good salaries, they need look no further than the UK and the NHS.
Strengths within NHS attract overseas doctors
The strengths of the NHS, such as training, quality and ethos, continues to attract many overseas doctors. Many choose to work in the NHS because of the attractive salaries and benefits. But the work offers much more: the chance to enhance your clinical experience as part of a team of 1.7 million NHS employees, many of whom have come to the UK from across the globe. All of whom are proud to work for the NHS, and care passionately about its growth and development.
The NHS is committed to offering learning and development opportunities for all employees. No matter where you start within the NHS, you will have access to the highest quality training and be given every chance to progress within the organisation and to develop unique skills.
The NHS doesn’t stand still, there’s always more to learn. With a progressive and forward-thinking plan, there is always new equipment, new procedures; there’s always something to keep you progressing in your career in the UK, or for your return to your home country to enhance practice.
There's a growing market for international health practitioners to work in the UK, and demand is very high. With a professional health qualification and an IMG Connect consultant you can pick a lot of the UK in which to work.
Senior NHS figures have told IMG Connect that recruitment has to be approached in line with changes to the way health and care services are delivered and in demand. That means a much more sophisticated approach to understanding where professionals will be needed, at least in the medium to long term.
With that in mind, IMG Connect offers an opportunity for some fresh thinking on the process of recruiting international doctors to UK Healthcare. A comprehensive Recruitment, Relocation and Retention service for permanent doctors only, helping to considerably reduce costs and time to hire.
NHS directors increasingly demand a significant focus on aligning values and fit and after care, in order to build a fully complimented and sustainable workforce to meet demands.
With the level of demand for healthcare continuing to rise, the need for overseas staff will continue to increase.
Put simply, the NHS is reliant on IMGs who want to start a career in a progressive, welcoming and rewarding environment.
If you are a client, we would be delighted to discuss your staffing requirements and develop a bespoke solution and hiring plan. Taking time to understand your Trust and the type of doctor that will thrive in your culture, IMG Connect looks to form successful working partnerships that continue beyond the initial placement.
If you are an IMG, we offer a personalised recruitment & relocation service to any International Medical Graduate looking to find work in the UK. IMG Connect can help you start and progress your career, with advice and guidance on every aspect of planning, finding the right job, navigating legislation and relocating. This service can be summarised into four key areas of support and guidance:
Exams, registration and Medical Qualifications
Job search & interview preparation
UK Visa & Immigration
Relocation, aftercare & ongoing career support
IMG Jobs
Search and find live NHS doctor jobs in the UK
IMG Resources
Read more useful articles on finding an NHS trust doctor job, pay scales & doctor’s salary in the UK, relocation and much more!
Get in Touch
Get in touch using the buttons above (and below) to discuss doctor job opportunities in the NHS, including discussions regarding a typical doctor salary in the UK and the most suitable hospital locations for you.
Follow us on social media for news and updates on GMC registration, the Royal College and NHS through the links below:
For overseas psychiatrists looking to register with the GMC and find a psychiatry job in the NHS, one option is to complete the Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists examinations - MRCPsych. Here we will take a detailed look at the MRCPsych exams, fees and centres.
International Medical Graduates (IMGs) from any country in the world can sit the MRCPsych examinations, provided certain eligibility criteria are met. These are summarised below along with a broad look at the following topics:
What is MRCPsych?
What is the exam content and format?
Eligibility for overseas doctors
Assessment Portfolio
Sponsorship Requirements
How do I apply?
How much will it cost me?
Where can I sit the exams?
How can I prepare for the MRCPsych examinations
Passed? What next?
The Royal College of Psychiatrists is the professional body responsible for the specialty of Psychiatry throughout the UK. Among many other duties, its role is to set and monitor the educational curriculum for those training to enter the profession.
What is MRCPsych?
The MRCPsych examinations are the central component of training for psychiatrists in the UK and the examinations are designed to test your knowledge of basic medical sciences as well as the clinical skills required for diagnosis and management within psychiatry.
For international doctors, MRCPsych is one of the two main routes IMGs can take to full GMC registration - you can find a range of articles covering these routes in our resource library here: Royal College or PLAB route.
For doctors who wish to take more senior roles reflective of their current practice, IMG Connect advise that MRCPsych would be the best route to take.
Overseas doctors must be registered with a recognised medical board in their country of residence and should have undertaken 3 years of training and MRCPsych (UK) is a prerequisite to anyone wishing to go on to a specialist training post as a physician in the UK
What is the exam content and format?
The MRCPsych examinations consist of two written papers (Paper A + Paper B) and one clinical examination (CASC).
Typically, a UK Psychiatrist would sit Paper A from FY2. Candidates will then progress through MRCPsych examinations from CT1 – CT3, before going on to specially training for CCT.
Paper A – The scientific and theoretical basis of psychiatry – 3 hours
This is a written paper, worth 150 marks and comprising 150 questions made up of approximately two thirds multiple choice questions (MCQ) and one third extended matching item questions (EMI).
It covers the following sections of the syllabus:
Paper A is now taken online.
Paper B - Critical review and the clinical topics in psychiatry – 3 hours
This is a written paper, worth 150 marks and comprising 150 questions made up of approximately one third covering critical review and two thirds covering clinical topics.
It covers the following sections of the syllabus:
Paper B is now taken online.
CASC - Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies
The CASC is based on a format that is similar to OSCEs. Specifically, the examination consists of two circuits which must be completed on the same day.
In total, the circuit includes 16 stations, made up of:
five stations on history taking, including risk assessment
five stations on examination, including physical and mental state
six stations on patient management
Stations consist of several elements with instructions provided to all candidates, marked against the examiners construct.
These have a standardised format with elements in common between stations of a similar type. Find out more here.
The CASC exam is taken in person.
Eligibility for overseas doctors
The MRCPsych examinations can be taken by both:
Doctors from the EU, who are working overseas
Non-Eu doctors who are working overseas
Each examination has different criteria, to complete the full MRCPsych, an overseas doctor must be registered with a recognised medical board in their country of residence and complete the Assessment Portfolio for Overseas Candidates demonstrating that they have complete 3 years of equivalent training.
Furthermore, prior to taking CASC, overseas candidates must demonstrate competencies in Psychotherapy AND Child & Adolescent Psychiatry or Learning Disability.
For each part of the exam the Royal College suggest the following eligibility criteria:
MRCPsych Paper A
You are eligible for Paper A if you are a fully registered medical practitioner.
MRCPsych Paper B
It is a recommended to have at least 12 months experience in psychiatry before taking this examination.
Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies (CASC):
You are eligible to take CASC if you have 24 months post internship experience in Psychiatry, by the time of sitting the CASC
You have a pass in both Paper A and B
You can demonstrate you have sponsorship in place. Sponsorship forms must be submitted by an appropriate medical education lead confirming that the eligibility requirements to sit the MRCPsych examinations have been met.
In addition, overseas candidates must show their sponsor evidence of having achieved equivalent competencies at appropriate competency levels (year 1, 2, 3) for each component of the examination.
Assessment Portfolio for Overseas Candidates:
As above, one aspect of eligibility for CASC as to complete an Assessment Portfolio. This must demonstrate achievement of equivalent competencies to those defined in the ARCP documented on the application form, this must include competencies in Psychotherapy AND Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, or Learning Disability have been achieved by the time of applying for the MRCPsych CASC.
In addition, overseas candidates must demonstrate that they undertake the following activities as part of their structured job plans:
be observed interviewing patients in ward rounds for specified reasons
be observed interviewing patients in out-patient or community settings or other contexts for specified reasons
be assessed via formal presentation of cases with their medical notes; discuss management of cases with their Clinical or Educational Supervisor
be assessed formally in having achieved competencies in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry or Learning Disability AND Psychotherapy
Assessments and achievement of competencies should take place in a range of settings and psychiatric specialties with structured, documented feedback on performance having been provided.
Whilst there is not an assessment criteria form available as this is incorporated into the online submission, take a look at the ARCP assessment portfolio form for CT1-3 in the UK, which should help give you a starting point for your own portfolio.
Sponsorship requirements
International candidates must have a sponsor in place in order to support evidence that their three years of training satisfy Royal College criteria of having achieved equivalent competencies at appropriate competency levels (year 1, 2, 3) for each component of the examination.
Sponsorship is required by all applicants for entry to the CASC examination and your sponsor should be an appropriate medical education lead confirming you have met the requirements to sit the MRCPsych examinations.
Acceptable sponsors are:
College Tutor
Training Programme Director
Educational Supervisor
Head of School
Director of Medical Education (or equivalent)
Head of Department of Psychiatry
Consultant responsible for employee/trainee appraisal
Once your sponsor has authorised your application, you will receive a confirmation email from the Royal College, and you will be asked to complete your application and proceed to payment.
How do I apply?
To apply you will need to complete an online application form. It takes about 15 – 20 minutes. You can sit Paper A and B in any order. You will be required to enter contact details and training history, including your medical registration.
Payment is made by credit/debit card.
If applying for the CASC, you will also need to provide the contact details of your sponsor.
It is important to note that the online form for Paper A, B and CASC will only be available during the published application dates and must be submitted before the closing date and time. Applications submitted after, will not be accepted.
How much will it cost me?
Paper A
Paper B
PMPT Trainees and Affiliates (UK & Ireland Centres)
Non-PMPT Trainees and Affiliates (UK & Ireland Centres)
Where and when can I sit the examinations?
The good news is that changes have been made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and Paper A and B can be taken online, making it much easier for IMGs to complete the MRCPsych examinations and work towards their GMC registration in a normal time frame. To maintain the integrity fo the CASC exam, delivery will be in-person only from September 2023.
You can sit the examination from your home country with details on submissions and preparation for an online exam available on the Royal College website.
For up-to-date information on application and exam dates, please see the Royal College website here.
How do I prepare for the MRCPsych examinations?
With lots of materials online we have discussed with IMGs the best place to start looking for resources and materials relating to the exams. Most IMGs recommended starting with the Royal College, who have created useful resources to help you to prepare for the exams. See below:
We always suggest that this is the best place to start – plan your study around the curriculum topics and make a road map to your success in the exams.
Syllabus: summary of areas of core medical knowledge underpinning specialist training in psychiatry
Current critical review syllabus:
For Paper B candidates will need to ensure that they make optimal use of the MRCPsych Paper B Critical review Evidence Based Practice Syllabic Content.
Sample Papers:
These will help you prepare and polish your exam techniques and are a good idea to regularly benchmark your knowledge against the syllabus. In addition sample questions will help you work quickly on the day, you will already know what to expect. Please note: you may be required to be a member to access these.
Paper A sample questions
Paper B sample questions
Marking schemes (Paper A and B):
Candidates pass or fail the written papers based on their performance, and not how well you perform against other candidates. As such, it is a good idea to understand how the exam is worked, so you can maximise your exam skills, giving you the best chance of a pass.
Marking schemes can be found here.
Marking scheme (CASC):
A good start with CASC preparation is to get to know how you will be assessed, take a look at the criteria for scoring a pass mark in CASC, as well as the History Marksheet, Management Marksheet and Examination Marksheet.
Written papers marksheet example:
Again, this is a useful tool to help you familiarise yourself with the exam format and improve your test skills. An example marksheet can be found here.
CASC examination guide:
The Royal College have produced a helpful guide for candidates which provides information on stations, role plays and assessment.
CASC preparation videos:
Here you will have the opportunity to see CASC stations in action. This will give you a good idea of what to expect and help you prepare.
CASC Blueprint:
This helpful summary details stations in some detail and gives a useful overview of the exam format.
The Royal College also suggest taking a look at Passing the MRCPsych - an insider’s guide - a useful guide to help you to get over the first steps.
As ever at IMG Connect, we believe in preparation. In order to succeed in the clinical exam, IMGs have told us that it is vital that you practise your clinical examinations as frequently as possible, preferably under the supervision of a senior colleague. This will give you confidence in approaching and examining children with examiners present.
Passed? What's next?
First of all, congratulations! After you have passed all parts of MRCPsych you can apply for a full registration with a license to practice. Once the GMC have approved your application, you can work as a doctor in the UK.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch using the buttons above (and below) and chat with an IMG Consultant to discuss your options for NHS roles with CESR support and start your journey towards Specialist Registration with IMG Connect.
For access to a community of like-minded psychiatry IMGs and dedicated psychiatry recruiters, join the IMG Psychiatrists Facebook group.
To receive the latest news and updates on all things psychiatry, including the Royal College, GMC registration and the NHS, follow us on social media and join the conversation.
The first exam in the FRCPath Histopathology series...
Overseas histopathologists may have questions about the best ways to prepare for the FRCPath Part 1 exam. With so many resources available online, but many of them geared towards UK trainees, it can be difficult to know what is best suited to you as an international candidate.
In this blog we have compiled some of the best resources and guidance for FRCPath Part 1 aspirants. We will also quickly cover some of the recent changes to the exam regarding its delivery and availability in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here we’ll take a closer look into these and other important questions through the following topics:
What is FRCPath Part 1?
How do I get started with my preparation?
What resources are available online?
How has COVID-19 affected the exam?
#IMG Tips
I’ve passed FRCPath Part 1, what’s next?
Skip ahead to the relevant section if you know what you’re looking for.
FRCPath Part 1
FRCPath Histopathology Part 1 is the first exam in the two-part examination series, administered by the Royal College of Pathologists. The content of the exam can be broken down into three sections:
The three-hour exam is designed to assess candidates’ overall knowledge and understanding of histopathology or cytopathology, including the full range of autopsy practices undertaken in a district general hospital in the UK and the basic science underpinning pathology, including molecular biology.
For an in-depth guide to the FRCPath Part 1 exam, or for a breakdown of the full FRCPath Histopathology exam suite, visit our IMG resources library.
Please note that only full FRCPath satisfies the GMC’s postgraduate requirements for overseas doctors.
How to get started with preparation for FRCPath Part 1
The best way for IMGs to begin their exam preparation is with the Royal College website and resources. The FRCPath Histopathology exams are based on the Curriculum for Specialty Training in Histopathology and as a rule, this should always be the starting point for your revision. This will ensure you are focusing on the exam material that will feature in your exam – knowing the curriculum is key! You can find this on the Royal College website here.
Royal College resources include:
Regulations and guidelines – before applying for FRCPath exams, the College recommends you read both the general and specialty-specific regulations and guidelines, found below:
General Regulations and Guidelines
Histopathology Regulations and Guidelines
FAQs - There is also a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document which the Royal College has compiled to help applicants who have questions about online examinations. You can read this here.
Other helpful resources include:
Oxbridge Medica - FRCPath Part 1 Revision Course
This is a 4-day, exam-oriented online revision course. The course includes live-streamed lectures across four days and covers all the major topics of the examination syllabus. The speakers have knowledge of the Royal College exam - some of them are examiners, and all are experienced teachers. The course can be found here.
4 days
£300 (£75 deposit)
Next start date
Pathology Online Hub - FRCPath Part 1 Orientation Course
This is a preparatory course aimed at overseas candidates. The course includes an introduction to the exam, including a mock exam with a detailed discussion of answers and exam tips. The course can be found here.
1 day
Next start date
Pathology Online Hub - FRCPath Part 1 Comprehensive Course
This is a preparatory course aimed at non-UK candidates, including particularly basic and extended questions on the UK system. The course covers topics which are unique to the UK system and includes a one-hour practice mock similar to the exam format and a detailed discussion of the answers with feedback. The course can be found here.
1 day
Next start date
Reading materials
There is no set reading list or official course for FRCPath Part 1 in Histopathology, however the following books come highly recommended by IMGs who have passed the Part 1 exam:
Practical Applications in Histopathology, Cytopathology & Autopsy – Dr Limci Gupta (£78)
FRCPath, Part 1: Examination Preparation Guide – S. Steele (£22.18)
Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology Review - Pier Luigi Di Patre, Darryl Carter (£91.95)
Wheater’s Functional Histology – Barbara Young, Phil Woodford, Geraldine O’Dowd (£44.95)
Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology - Edward Klatt (+/- £45)
(Designed to complement Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 8th Edition and Robbins Basic Pathology, 8th Edition)
How have the exams been affected by COVID-19?
In response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Royal College of Pathologists has migrated the FRCPath Part 1 exam online.
Candidates all over the world are now able to take the exam from their home countries. This development allows the College to continue to offer the FRCPath Part 1 exam to both UK trainees and overseas pathologists, with minimal disruptions to the exam schedule.
For full details about the online FRCPath Part 1 exam, please see our blog here.
#IMG Tips
Prepare early – getting your revision going as soon as possible will help you avoid those last-minute cramming sessions and increase your chances of passing first time.
Speak to your colleagues and peers – there are so many study materials to choose from - who better to ask for recommendations than histopathologists who have been through the process or are going through it with you?
Familiarise yourself with the curriculum – we cannot stress this enough! Every country’s qualification and practice differ, so being well-versed in the curriculum is the first step on your path to success in the exam.
Prepare for the online format in advance – make sure to fully complete your IT checks well in advance to avoid tech issues on the day (and save yourself an unnecessary headache).
Find a support network – a great way to do this is to join IMG Histopathologists, an online pathology community of UK and NHS histopathology aspirants and dedicated histopathology recruiters. You’ll find advice, guidance and updates about all things histopathology for IMGs. Join the conversation here.
I’ve passed the FRCPath Part 1 exam, what’s next?
Great stuff! This is a massive achievement, and you deserve to treat yourself after all your hard work. With a pass in hand, it's time to look ahead to FRCPath Part 2. For more information on the final exam in the examination series, take a look at our blog where we explore the FRCPath Part 2, including how to sit the final exam, fees and preparation and results.
Head to our IMG library for more useful articles on the FRCPath exams, GMC registration and qualifications you need to help you find your dream job in the NHS.
For regular news and updates, follow IMG Connect on social media using the links below:
With IMG Connect you can search and apply for roles in the NHS, including posts relating to COVID-19. We can offer you the latest advice on each opportunity to work in the best performing NHS hospitals in the UK.
The NHS is looking for motivated internationally qualified pulmonologists to be a part of its dedicated workforce and join some of the best performing, largest and most successful Trusts in the UK. For experienced pulmonologists, CESR is supported in the majority of vacancies.
NHS Jobs in Respiratory Medicine, offering CESR support and career growth
At IMG Connect we are delighted to be able to offer opportunities for motivated, ambitious respiratory medicine specialists (Consultants, Registrars, Clinical Fellows and Registrars) to join Respiratory Medicine services based up and down the country.
Each appointment will be a member of a Respiratory multidisciplinary team providing high quality care, which are constantly seeking to improve and refine their service. Our NHS clients always have the ambition to continue to deliver an international standard service.
Our NHS clients can accommodate your skill set and professional interests. In some roles, the appointee will participate in both General Medical and Respiratory and will be responsible for the continuing care of patients admitted as emergencies. Sub-specialty clinical and academic interests are always encouraged.
For consultant paleontologists, there are opportunities to work in major teaching hospitals, and all respiratory specialists will also be expected to contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate education. The development of relevant research interests is also encouraged, and opportunities will be enhanced by education and career development departments.
For Specialty Doctors and Consultants in respiratory medicine, CESR is a great option to gain an internationally recognised qualification, allowing you to take on a permanent consultant job in the NHS.
What’s life like in an NHS Respiratory Department?
Respiratory medicine in the NHS is typically a hospital-based specialty. Hospital wards are busy and varied, a third of all acute medical admissions to hospital are the result of respiratory problems. Some Respiratory physicians choose to practice general medicine, and others maintain a focus on acute respiratory medicine.
Respiratory physicians in the NHS will work closely with colleagues in the hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU), as well as across all other specialties. Assessing patients in outpatients’ clinics is an important part of NHS jobs. There are two types of clinic: general respiratory clinics and specialist clinics. Respiratory physicians also run lung function laboratories in NHS hospitals and some respiratory units specialise in areas such as lung transplant, sleep-related medical problems or cystic fibrosis.
Specialist respiratory clinics in the NHS deal with a range of problems including:
tuberculosis, or TB (a bacterial lung disease)
cystic fibrosis (an inherited condition that causes a sticky section that can affect the airways often causing infection)
interstitial lung disease (scarring of the lung tissue between and supporting the air sacs)
chronic cough
sleep disorders relating to breathing, eg obstructive sleep apnoea
pulmonary vascular disorders (affecting the blood circulation of the lungs)
With such a broad range of job plans and career directions available, the NHS is an excellent place for pulmonologists to secure a job and grow their career in respiratory medicine, whilst working in internationally recognised institutions.
To receive the latest news and updates, including the Royal Colleges, GMC registration and the NHS, follow us on social media and join the conversation.
Attaining Membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine or MRCEM is required to attain GMC Registration and start your Emergency Medicine career in the NHS.
International Medical Graduates (IMGs) from any country in the world can sit the MRCEM examinations, provided certain eligibility criteria are met. These are summarised below along with a broad look at the following topics:
What is MRCEM?
Eligibility for overseas doctors
Where can I take the exams & how much will they cost me?
How do I apply?
How to prepare and what resources are available
Should I take an MRCEM course?
Passed? What next?
What is the Royal College of Emergency Medicine?
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine is the professional body responsible for the specialty of Emergency Medicine throughout the UK. Among many other duties, its role is to set and monitor the educational curriculum for those training to enter the profession in the UK.
What is MRCEM?
Membership of the Royal College is awarded to candidates who pass three examination components.
There have been a few changes to the MRCEM and FRCEM examination structure over the last few years, as such there are currently two routes to an accreditation in Emergency Medicine, both leading to RCEM Membership.
These two routes are:
Membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (MRCEM)
Fellowship of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (FRCEM)
MRCEM & FRCEM are one several routes an overseas emergency medicine doctor can take full GMC registration. Read our blogs on acceptable postgraduate qualifications and PLAB if you are unsure what route to take.
For doctors who wish to take more senior roles reflective of their current practice, IMG Connect advise that MRCEM or FRCEM would be the best route to take.
Please note, applicants that pass a specific combination of MRCEM and FRCEM examinations can still be awarded Membership of the Royal College by Examination (MRCEM). This would still satisfy postgraduate requirements for GMC registration.
MRCEM Examination route:
The alternative route, Membership by Examination (MRCEM), is offered to candidates who have passed all the following components:
FRCEM Primary or (MRCEM Part A)
One written paper, three-hours total
FRCEM Intermediate SAQ (replaces MRCEM Part B)
Short Answer Question paper - 3 hour paper comprised of 60, 3-mark questions
Practical examination setting with 18, seven-minute stations
Eligibility for MRCEM Examinations:
Eligibility for FRCEM Primary:
To be eligible you must hold a Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) that is recognised by the GMC for registration purposes.
Eligibility for FRCEM Intermediate:
To be eligible you must hold a PMQ recognised by the GMC, have completed an equivalent to the UK Foundation Programme and have passed FRCEM Primary Examination after 1st August 2016.
You will also be eligible if you have been granted exemption from the FRCEM Primary as a result of obtaining MRCS or MRCSI after 1st January 2012.
Eligibility for MRCEM OSCE:
To be eligible to enter the MRCEM OSCE (Part C) you must meet the following requirements:
Hold a medical qualification approved by the GMC and
Have completed the UK Foundation Programme of equivalent (electronic evidence required at point of application) and
Have passed the FRCEM Primary examination after 1st August 2016 or
Have passed the MRCEM Part A examination after 1st August 2012 and prior to 31st July 2016 and
Have passed the FRCEM Intermediate SAQ after 1st August 2016 or
Have passed the MRCEM Part B examination after 1st August 2012 and prior to 31 July 2016 and
Have 36 months experience including 6 months experience in Emergency Medicine at a level above Foundation Year 1 (post full registration)
Where can I take the exams & how much will they cost me?
Examination and application dates are regularly updated by the Royal College and can be found here.
Please remember, applications made outside of the application period will not be accepted.
FRCEM Primary
Short Answer Question Paper
Iceland, Malaysia, Oman, India
FRCEM Intermediate Certificate
Iceland, Malaysia, Oman
How can I apply?
All applications are made online and links to all application forms and windows are available here. It is worth noting, the application can take some time to complete, so it is always advisable to apply well in advance of the deadlines.
Please remember, applications submitted after the application period will not be accepted.
How do I prepare for each exam and what resources are available?
With lots of resources available online, we have discussed with IMGs the best place to start looking for materials relating to the exams. Most IMGs recommended starting with the Royal College, who have created useful resources to help you to prepare for the exams.
Applicants are tested on a range of common and important disorders in Emergency Medicine as set out in the Emergency Medicine Training Curriculum 2015.
We recommend getting to know the curriculum as early as possible and using it as a road map for your study plan.
Information Packs:
These provide detailed information for the relevant examination components so that you can best prepare for your studies and what to expect on the day:
FRCEM Primary
FRCEM Intermediate
SAQ Blueprint:
The blueprint for the new Intermediate SAQ exam can be found on page 8 of the FRCEM Intermediate examination pack, downloaded from the RCEM website here.
Sample questions:
Test your knowledge using example questions from the current exam syllabus provided by the Royal College, see below:
Primary – sample questions
Intermediate - Sample SAQs are included in the Information Pack
Glossary of Terms:
The royal college uses many terms that may cause confusion, so take plenty time to understand the terms and definitions used in this guide. Candidates are expected to be rigorous in their use of these terms.
Glossary of terms used in RCEM exams.
Examination Report:
The Royal College recently began to publish reports on the performance of those sitting FRCEM examinations. Below is the first report published and helps to break down results for those in training and those out of training.
2018 Examination report.
Online resources:
There are lots of resources online, such as videos on YouTube, FRCEM courses and useful reading materials. We think that these are a great addition to your study plan, just be sure to check your sources.
For a useful overview of how to prepare for exams, including advice on study groups, online community support, best use of online resources & Royal College materials and courses, take a look at our blog: IMG Connects Top Tips for exam preparation.
As ever at IMG Connect we believe in preparation. In order to succeed in the clinical exam, IMGs have told us that it is vital that you practice your clinical examinations as frequently as possible, preferably under the supervision of a senior colleague. This will give you confidence in approaching and examining patients with examiners present.
Should I take a course to prepare for the OSCE?
Whilst it is not essential to take a course when preparing for the MRCEM or FRCEM OSCEs - there is no doubt it will help your preparations both technically and mentally, and should be considered an investment towards your future career plans. Have a read of our blog on recommended MRCEM courses for Emergency Medicine doctors.
Passed? What next?
First of all, congratulations! After you have passed all parts of FRCEM or MRCEM you can apply for a full registration with a license to practice. Once the GMC have approved your application, you can work as a doctor in the UK.
IMG Jobs
Search and find live emergency medicine NHS doctor jobs in the UK
IMG Resources
Read more useful articles on finding an NHS trust doctor jobs, doctor salary & relocation for emergency medicine specialists
Get in Touch
Don’t hesitate to get in touch using the buttons above (and below) to discuss emergency medicine doctor job options in the NHS, including discussions regarding, CESR, a typical doctor salary in the UK and the most suitable NHS job & hospital locations for you.
For the latest news and updates on all things emergency medicine, including the Royal College, GMC registration and the NHS, follow us on social media and join the conversation.
The Occupational English Test (OET) medicine version is specifically designed for healthcare professionals.
The exam tests your ability in reading, writing, speaking and listening and it is used by overseas doctors to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively in English to support their application to register and practice medicine in the UK.
For doctors who prefer OET, compared to IELTS, the good news is that OET is now accepted by both the GMC and the UK Home Office - meaning that only one test now required for both UK registration and visa purposes
As an IMG coming to work in the UK, there are different scenarios in which you’ll need to provide a pass in an English test. In this article, we outline the key facts about OET, including the following topics:
What is the OET?
Content and structure
What scores do I need?
Does time matter?
When and where can I sit the test?
How can I prepare?
What resources are available online for each subtest?
Passed? What next?
What is the OET?
The OET tests communication in English with an emphasis in medical and healthcare professional settings.
It is recognised by the General Medical Council (GMC), and is fast becoming a common choice to prove a candidate’s ability to communicate in a healthcare environment, such as the NHS.
As an overseas doctor you must select and sit the medicine version of the test, this is the only one accepted by the GMC for the purposes of registration for a license to practice.
Content and structure:
The OET tests your ability in four areas of English language communication:
Reading (45 minutes)
Writing (60 minutes)
Speaking (45 minutes)
Listening (20 minutes)
This section consists of three parts and tests a candidate’s ability to understand a range of materials, such as lectures or consultations.
Part A – consultation extracts (5 minutes each)
You will listen to two recorded patient consultations and will be assessed on identifying specific information. You will also complete the healthcare professionals’ notes using the information that you have heard during the consultation.
Part B – Short extract of workplace discussion (1 minute each)
Here, you are tested on your ability to identify detail, understand conversation, meaning and reasons or purpose contained in the discussion. You will hear 6 short extracts and answer multiple-choice questions on each. Example extracts could be a consultation dialogue, team meetings or professional handovers.
Part C – presentation extracts (5 minutes each)
This tests your ability to follow a recorded healthcare related presentation or interview. You will listen to two extracts covering different topics and will then answer 6 multiple choice questions on each extract.
What does the listening sub-test assess?
The listening sub-test assesses your ability to identify specific information and details, to understand conversations, reasons for comments and the opinions of the speakers.
In this section you are expected to demonstrate your ability to read and understand texts related to healthcare. This sub-test consists of three parts.
Part A – expeditious reading task (15 minutes)
This tests your ability to quickly and efficiently locate specific information from short texts. The texts will all relate to the same topic, and you will answer 20 questions in total.
Part B and C (45 minutes)
Part B consists of 6 short text extracts from a healthcare setting, sourced from the workplace. It assesses your ability to identify detail, understand context, main points and overall gist of a text. Example texts are hospital policies or guidelines, manuals, instruction guides, internal communications between staff.
Answers are multiple-choice, and you will be asked three questions per text.
Part C consists of two texts on topics of interest to healthcare professionals. Each text is 800 words in total. Here you will be tested on your ability to identify detailed meaning and opinion. Each text has eight multiple choice questions.
What does the Reading sub-test assess?
Each reading sub-test assesses different skills:
Part A, to read quickly, skim and scan across a variety of texts, in order to identify specific information.
Top tip, familiarise yourself with the conventions of medical texts, the structures, presentation of both numerical and textual content.
Part B, to understand detail and main points.
Top tip for Part B is to excel at identifying ideas or points within paragraphs, or sentences.
Part C, to understand meaning and opinion presented to you. This covers a longer text.
Top tip, the focus here is to understand the wider context, from sentence to paragraph level.
This tests your ability to communicate effectively in a healthcare context, such a writing a referral letter. You will be given one task with a healthcare focus relating to the usual demands in the medical workplace.
The task is to write a letter, usually a referral. However, this can on occasion be a letter of discharge or advice for a patient. You will be provided with some materials to assist with context, and information to use in your writing.
How is the writing assessed?
overall execution and completion
use of the correct and most suitable language
overall comprehension and use of the materials provided
grammar, punctuation & spelling
cohesion, presentation, structure and layout
Top tip, reading more will considerably improve your writing skills.
This section tests your ability to communicate effectively in a role-play based on a typical healthcare scenario. Each role-play takes about five minutes each.
The test will start with an introduction and short warm up conversation. Then the role-play will begin one-by-one and you have three minutes to prepare for each.
How is the speaking assessed?
intelligibility (pronunciation)
appropriate use of language
relationship building
understanding and incorporating the patient’s language
providing structure
information gathering
information giving
What scores do I need?
For the GMC to accept your Occupational English Test (OET) certificate you will need to score a grade B or above in each test area.
These scores must be achieved in the same test, and this must be your most recent sitting of the OET.
Remember, for the GMC to accept your OET certificate, you must take the medicine version of the test.
Does time matter?
Each sub-test is timed, and you will need to practice how to give each section the right amount of time. You will have to be efficient and work quickly, dedicating the right amount of time to each question and text.
When and where can I sit the test?
You can sit the OET in test venues around the world and they offer the tests 14 times per year. To find out if there is a test venue that suits you take a look at the official website.
How can I prepare?
OET can be challenging. So, make sure you are as prepared as possible before sitting the exam.
OET involves learning a wide range of healthcare related and profession specific language.
To get the right score, this must be at an advanced level.
You don’t need to pay take a course. However, it is highly advisable to attend a course, and/or language classes, successful IMGs have advised that this helped them improve their standards in all areas of the test, including improved general levels of English.
Most overseas doctors advise that they improved by attending specific OET courses, and this also helps you to get used to the test format and timings.
We strongly recommend that you start preparing for the exams as far in advance as you possibly can.
Establish your level of English, and work out what areas you will need to focus on. Identify your weaknesses, set goals for yourself and plan a revision timetable.
What resources are available online for each subtest?
Listening online resources:
A good start would be to watch and listen to extracts online, here are a few options:
BBC Factual Podcasts
BBC Health Matters
OET Listening Subtests
Reading online resources:
Read short, medium and long extracts online.
Why not try the following resources:
British Medical Journal
ABC health newsletter
OET Reading sub-test
Writing online resources:
To improve writing skills, we recommend reading and writing! Read short, medium and long extracts online. Write short extracts, re-write articles and write on your own journal.
Why not try the following resources:
British Medical Journal
Free Medical Journals
OET Writing sub-test
Speaking online resources:
To improve speaking skills, we recommend speaking! Speak with colleagues and friends in English as much as you can. You can also record yourself reading aloud or speaking and then play back your recording, assessing yourself.
Why not try the following resources:
British Medical Journal
Free Medical Journals
OET Sample Test Video
We have also created a useful blog series on Exam Tips and Revision Guidance, which includes tips for studying at home.
Passed? What next?
If you have your OET in place you are in a prime position to apply and interview for jobs.
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Here we look at finding an NHS doctor job in emergency medicine and why you should choose a career in the NHS.
We will explore the growing demand for Emergency Medicine specialists, offering guidance on how to find the right job suited to your own professional preferences, discussing how to research work in the NHS ER, criteria for GMC registration, (MRCEM, FRCEM & IELTS exemption) as well as some useful resources to get you started.
Growth in Emergency Medicine means that the NHS will rely on recruiting more overseas emergency medicine specialists in order to meet growing demand to fill jobs across the country. Emergency care departments and the doctors who work within them are the foundations of the NHS. Staff working in EDs in the UK deliver high quality patient care for all patients presenting with minor or critical life-threatening and life-changing conditions.
We hope that you too will consider working in some of the best ERs in the world across the NHS.
First steps towards your new job in the NHS:
A stable workforce within the ED departments across the UK is crucial, as such at IMG Connect we have developed a specialist approach to Emergency Medicine recruitment.
Responding to staffing challenges within EDs in the NHS, we have created a dedicated department for Emergency medicine specialists, where you will work with a dedicated consultant who makes it their responsibility to know your chosen field inside and out.
We have taken steps to ensure that IMG Connect and NHS organisations collectively work to help recruit and retain the very best specialists, ensuring a large enough workforce with the right skills, behaviours and values to deliver care in our EDs.
No matter what stage you are at in the process of relocating to the UK, you can speak with a specialist consultant in Emergency medicine, who will work with you to establish the areas that we can offer the most effective support for you.
Why choose to work in Emergency Medicine in the UK?
The Emergency Department is where the public know to come when they need help, they value the service and in return you have the privilege of helping people when they are most in need. Here are a few of the reasons to work in Emergency Medicine in the NHS:
You work with the full range of illness and injury, in all types of patients.
The ED department in the UK means that you will see the ‘best bits’ of all the specialties.
There are no long ward rounds.
Flexible working exists in all departments, giving you the chance to have a better quality of life. Don’t believe the myths!
Flexible working as a consultant is the most flexible in the NHS.
Flexible sessional working allows for a more family friendly environment.
The Emergency Department is the front door of the Hospital and the ‘shopwindow’ of the NHS.
Staff morale is high, despite working in a challenging environment.
You will work as part of a team - with a shared team spirit and camaraderie
You will have access to excellent opportunities to develop a special interest in almost any subspecialty or area of interest.
Career progression and stability is always available
Access to CESR and the specialist register is widespread, and hospitals are highly supportive to overseas doctors to make sure that this progression happens
Recognised subspecialties and niche personal interests are encouraged
Consultant vacancies have increased making this specialism more and more of a attractive career choice in EM
EM is an excellent career choice for those looking for flexibility and balance.
Do some research:
Don’t just take our word for it, we advise that you do some research online to explore the various opportunities and experiences that await you in the Emergency Department in the NHS.
There are many free resources available to help you explore what it is like to work in an ED in the UK, here are a few that we think will be useful:
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine
Paediatric Emergency Medicine UK
Emergency Medicine Trainees’ Association (EMTA)
Forum for Associate Specialist and Staff Grade Doctors in Emergency Medicine (FASSGEM)
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (Careers)
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (Training)
Health Careers
Don’t forget, we are always here to answer any questions you may have and offer our support in any way we can.
Find out what jobs are available:
There has been significant investment in the UK geared towards growing the number of ED trust doctors, SHOs, specialty doctors and consultants over recent years. There are many ways to get access to these jobs, including online via NHS jobs, through networks of doctors, and through an agency, such as IMG Connect.
You can search jobs and apply for Emergency Medicne jobs here.
Working with an IMG Connect specialist in Emergency Medicine you will receive access to the widest possible range of current and future vacancies in the UK. Better still, your consultant will spend time getting to know you personally, understanding both your personal and professional relocation needs.
A key benefit in terms of working with a specialist is that they will be able to give you an honest assessment of each job, including but not exclusive to, advice on the following: the hospital, standards and CQC reports, working in the ED, the local area, cost of living, housing, quality of life, job expectations and career progression. Advice that is designed to ensure you can settle into life in the UK and focus on your career in the NHS.
Speak to a consultant today to discuss your career options in the NHS and get the widest access to jobs and advice.
Get the right qualifications:
All Emergency Medicine doctors looking to secure a job and work in the UK, whether you are from inside or outside of Europe, will need to satisfy certain criteria to fully register with the Emergency Medical Council (GMC) before beginning their journey in the NHS.
If you qualified as a doctor outside the EEA, then you will have to demonstrate that both your medical knowledge & skills and English Language capabilities meet the level required to practice safely in the UK.
In addition, you will need to apply for a visa from the UK Home Office.
Take a look at our articles on each qualification:
English Language Testing
Evidence of Knowledge & Skills
Tier 2 Visas
Full GMC Registration
English language exemption:
Many trusts or hospitals will be able to offer English Language test exemption for overseas doctors in emergency medicine specifically. This is a process that can be used when an ER needs to meet demand for doctors quickly.
Not every hospital will accept IELTS exemption, so relying on this process means that the number of available posts could be reduced slightly. That said, a great number of our NHS partners are able to offer this exemption, to establish what this could mean for you, our best advice is to speak to an IMG Consultant to discuss further.
In summary, Emergency Medicine in the NHS has developed into one of the most exciting and rewarding careers, offering great opportunity for career progression through the specialist training programme or CESR. It attracts individuals who thrive on challenge and variety and can offer professional development in areas of personal interest.
Working with an IMG Consultant specialist in Emergency Medicine will give you access to the best advice and job opportunities. As well as helping you to make decisions about the hospitals you wish to work in, they will also ensure you and your family relocate and settle into your new life in the UK.
IMG Jobs
Search and find live emergency medicine NHS doctor jobs in the UK
IMG Resources
Read more useful articles on finding an NHS trust doctor jobs, doctor salary & relocation for emergency medicine specialists
Get in Touch
Get in touch using the buttons above (and below) to discuss emergency medicine job opportunities in the NHS, including discussions regarding, CESR, a typical doctor salary in the UK and the most suitable NHS job & hospital locations for you.
For the latest news and updates on all things emergency medicine, including the Royal College, GMC registration and the NHS, follow us on social media and join the conversation.
As an NHS employee, you will pay Income Tax and National Insurance on your wages through the PAYE system.
Overseas doctors will have tax and national insurance automatically deducted from their monthly salary. How much deducted depends on how much you earn.
PAYE stands for Pay As You Earn.
Some income is tax-free. You can earn a certain amount of income each year, called your Personal Allowance, before you need to pay any Income Tax.
The personal allowance is a fixed amount set against your gross income.
In all four UK countries, the Personal Allowance is set at £12,500 (tax-free income). It is worth noting that if you earn more than £125,000 you will not receive a personal allowance.
The Personal Allowance will also be set at £12,500 for 2020/21.
Any pay above the personal allowance is then taxed according to your salary and pension.
Tax bands in England, Wales & Northern Ireland
Taxable income
Tax rate
Personal Allowance
Up to £12,500
Basic rate
£12,501 to £50,000
Higher rate
£50,001 to £150,000
Additional rate
over £150,000
How much you pay is fixed as a percentage according to a band system. In Scotland the tax bands vary from those set in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, see below:
Tax bands in Scotland
Taxable income
Scottish tax rate
Personal Allowance
Up to £12,500
Starter rate
£12,501 to £14,549
Basic rate
£14,550 to £24,944
Intermediate rate
£24,945 to £43,430
Higher rate
£43,431 to £150,000
Top rate
over £150,000
You can check that you are paying the right amounts using this online government tool. This will allow you to check the following your Personal Allowance and tax code are accurate. As well as helping you to understand how much tax you’ve paid in the current tax year and how much you’re likely to pay for the rest of the year. Your NHS employer will set your salary, and you will be automatically set up to pay your pension, tax and national insurance. However, at IMG Connect we think that it’s important to check you have the right tax code and are paying the right amount.
Can I make any more savings?
You will get tax relief on your pension payments. The NHS pension scheme is an attractive one, with very few schemes in the UK even coming close to this benefit. Find out more about your NHS benefits here.
Getting started
For more information on NHS doctor benefits and pay arrangements in the UK, take a look at our IMG Resources library.
In this article we look at the guidance on dermatology evidence required for CESR applications...
Much evidence must be submitted, and you will only get a full picture of what you specifically require once you've spoken with the GMC and Royal College of Physicians. However, here we broadly discuss the evidence required to submit a complete application for entry onto the specialist register with a certificate of eligibility for specialist registration in dermatology.
What is CESR in Dermatology in the NHS?
As a Dermatology specialist, attaining CESR will mean you are qualified to practice at consultant level in the NHS in Dermatology.
Have a read through our CESR articles found in the IMG Library to understand a little more.
Do I need MRCP to attain CESR in Dermatology?
No, whilst it is always a benefit to attain MRCP and you may have already attained MRCP as by ways of registering with the GMC, you do not require MRCP to attain CESR in Dermatology.
Any doctor wishing to attain Specialist Registration via the CCT route must attain MRCP (UK).
What is the indicative period of training for a CCT in Dermatology?
The indicative period of training for CCT in Dermatology is four years full-time training and it is highly unlikely that a CESR applicant with limited experience, applying directly from outside the UK, could achieve these competencies in less time.
Experienced dermatologists who take a consultant position in the NHS, with support of their department, can attain CESR in much less time with the right focus and clarity on what they need to sign off.
What is the CCT training pathway?
The structure of the CCT training programme is:
2 years in Core Medical Training OR
Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) OR
How does IMT fit into this? CMT no longer exists as of Aug 2019.
Followed by:
4 years training in Dermatology
Therefore, CESR applicants need to demonstrate they have achieved the competencies in both of these areas.
Where experience has not provided adequate experience in the diagnosis and ongoing inpatient management of patients with a broad range of general medical problems, this will need to be completed to a level equivalent to the experience gained in Core Medical Training before the specialist curriculum may be followed.
For complete details refer to the Dermatology Curriculum documentation.
Submitting Evidence
Do not submit original documents – this is very important.
All your copies, other than qualifications you’re getting authenticated must be accompanied by a proformas signed by the person who is attesting to the validity and accuracy of your evidence (your verifier).
It is very important that you read an explanation of how to do this in the GMC’s important notice about evidence.
How much evidence should you submit?
The GMC recognises that doctors will often not have all the evidence required for a complete CESR application, often many doctors will start their application and delay starting their application until they are able to gather all the evidence.
The evidence must cover the knowledge, skills and qualifications to demonstrate the required competencies in all areas of the Dermatology Curriculum documentation.
If evidence is missing from any one area of the curriculum, then the application will fail.
If you have a piece of evidence that is relevant to more than one domain, do not include multiple copies in your bundle. Instead include one copy and list it in your evidence list under each relevant area, stating that the document is located elsewhere.
The GMC asks that only evidence that is strictly relevant is sent as it will help them to process the application quicker. The guidance on compiling your evidence will help you to decide what is relevant and what is not – make sure you are reading the latest version on the GMC website – here.
It is important to note that evidence that is more than five years old will be given less weight than more recent evidence, so you may not need to include it.
As a general guide, an application for CESR could expect to see around 800-1000 pages of evidence.
The types of evidence are divided into four different domains, the GMC recommends that you apportion the evidence provided as per the pie chart below:
Please note, you cannot compensate for evidence lacking in one area by providing more evidence in another area.
Make sure to anonymise your evidence:
It is very important to anonymise your evidence before submitting it to the GMC.
You must remove the following:
All patient identifying details
Details of patients’ relatives
Details of colleagues that you have assessed, written a reference for, or who have been involved in a complaint you have submitted. This includes:
Names (first and last)
contact details such as phone numbers or email addresses
NHS numbers & other individual patient numbers
GMC numbers
In Summary:
If you have any questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the IMG Connect team. However, your official point of reference for any queries should the GMC – they can answer and provide the most updated information on CESR applications for senior Dermatologists looking to work as NHS Consultants in Dermatology.
NHS trust doctor jobs are paid well with numerous posts available across the UK.
Trust doctors are employed by the NHS in service posts, and therefore for training purposes only are not regulated by Royal College or Deanery. They are an attractive way for both the NHS and IMGs to ensure doctors are secured into posts quickly. The work of a trust doctor is often indistinguishable from that of a training post, and can therefore be an attractive option for trusts, paving way for the recruitment of overseas doctors.
In this article will explore the both, with particular focus on service jobs. We will include the following topics:
What is a trust doctor?
Could I take a training post instead?
What are the benefits of a trust doctor job?
How do I secure a trust doctor job in the NHS?
What is a trust doctor?
Trust doctor jobs in the NHS cover a range of grades and apply to all specialties. It is a term applied to a doctor who is working in the NHS in a non-training post.
Typically, the title trust doctor is applied to a doctor working at Senior House Level (FY1 & 2), however the term has now become synonymous with all grades.
It is now a term most commonly applied to doctors from FY1 to ST3, but can be applied to specialty doctors by some trusts.
Trust doctors work in career posts without specialist recognition, but often doctors doing service level jobs secure an ‘approved post’ and complete specialist training, others continue to progress using their experience as the platform.
Many of the doctors accepting service posts are from overseas, this can be a quick way to enter the NHS system and start your career in the UK.
Could I take a training post instead?
Yes, training posts in the NHS are very attractive. However, competition for places on training posts within the NHS is highly competitive.
As such for IMGs interested in securing a place on a training post in the NHS, we advise that IMGs obtain a trust doctor or SAS doctor post, depending on experience, for 1 – 2 years. Following which you will be able to apply for a training post, for which you will be given priority.
Not only will this approach give you the best chance of securing excellent training and career progression opportunities in the NHS, it will also give you the chance to settle in to the UK, get to know your trust better, and help you understand the training post that will suit you the most.
Trust doctor posts also offer very competitive rates, so whilst you are getting to know the NHS and settling into life in the UK, you can also ensure that you are financially rewarded
What are the benefits of a trust doctor job?
No matter what grade you are working at, there are benefits to a trust doctor role.
Less competition and route to more training
The majority of IMGs are keen to enter training pathways at some point, but competition for these positions is very high. Places are offered to UK based applicants first, then EEA followed by Non-EEA applicants.
As such, it can be difficult to get a training post when applying for your first NHS role.
However, competition for trust doctor roles are not nearly so competitive and can lead to successful applications for training programmes.
Quicker route to securing your first post
For overseas doctors applying for trust doctor posts, as opposed to a training post, the process can be quicker. Less competition and a high demand for doctors will ensure that IMG Connect can secure you interviews quickly.
Financial reward
Trust doctor jobs typically offer competitive salaries, with some harder to fill locations able to offer additional incentives. Speak with your IMG Consultant for more information.
Allowing you time to settle into the UK and NHS
Taking a trust doctor role can be a great way to allow yourself time to settle into your new job and enjoy living in the UK. By taking on a new culture, employer and healthcare system all at once, you may feel more comfortable taking on a service post avoiding all the extra commitment and learning associated with a training role.
More patient focused roles and less responsibility
Trust doctor posts are usually more focused on meeting NHS service requirements compared to trainee roles. Many doctors simply prefer a role where they can spend more time with patients, without the pressured commitment to training, admin and competition associated with training roles. This gives you more time to do the job you love.
Balance between work and personal life
When taking a service post such as a Trust doctor post, additional working hours and on call commitments can be optional. You will also be given the option to increase your overall hours through weekend and shift work, which will increase your overall take home pay. In most circumstances it is up to you how you want to approach balancing a life at home with work commitments & financial rewards.
Freedom to consider all parts of the UK
Entering a training post is not only a commitment to the programme over a number of years, but also the geographical location that the deanery covers. By taking a trust doctor service role instead, you could complete a one-year contract and relocate to a different part of the UK altogether after completing the contract.
How do I secure a trust doctor job in the NHS?
There are many reasons why a trust doctor job can be a great option for IMGs when considering their first NHS post and it is clear that service doctors are vital to the day to day running of the NHS.
Of course, many doctors will be keen to get straight onto the specialty training programme, with a clear vision of achieving consultant status. The NHS training programme is recognised the world over for its quality and innovation and as such places are at a premium.
Regardless of the route you wish to take, IMG Connect will support any doctor pursing either path and can offer guidance and advice throughout either process.
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IMG Resources
Read more useful articles on finding an NHS trust doctor job, pay scales & doctor’s salary in the UK, relocation and much more!
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Get in touch using the buttons above (and below) to discuss doctor job opportunities in the NHS, including discussions regarding a typical doctor salary in the UK and the most suitable hospital locations for you.
Follow us on social media for news and updates on GMC registration, the Royal College and NHS through the links below:
Overseas Radiologists wanting to secure a role in the UK via the postgraduate qualification route will need to attain Fellowship of the Royal College of Radiologists or FRCR in order to register with the GMC. FRCR is the UK Royal College qualification and the recommended route for radiologists looking to work in the UK as a specialist or consultant.
IMGs from any country in the world can sit the FRCR examinations, provided certain eligibility criteria are met. These are summarised below along with a broad look at the following topics:
What is FRCR?
Am I eligible?
What is the content and structure?
Where and when can I sit the exams and how much will it cost me?
How do I apply?
How can I prepare for the exams?
Passed? What next?
What is FRCR?
Radiologists become full members of the Royal College of Radiology and achieve the designation FRCR once they have passed the three separate postgraduate medical exams that make up the FRCR examination suite. The FRCR examinations aim to test a candidate’s knowledge and clinical understanding against the Specialty Training Curriculum for Clinical Radiology and the exams are a pre-requisite for anyone looking to go into a specialty training post as a radiologist in the UK. For more senior candidates, absence of FRCR will make it very difficult to attain a locum-consultant posts unless you have a recognised equivalent or specialist registration.
When registering via the postgraduate route, only full FRCR satisfies the GMC postgraduate requirements for registration as an overseas doctor. There are three parts to the FRCR examinations:
First FRCR - two-part exam, each held on separate days, over a two-day period
Final FRCR Part A (both must be passed in one sitting in order to attain a pass)
two separate single best answer papers
Final FRCR Part B
a reporting session
a rapid reporting session
an oral examination
The FRCR examinations form an essential component of training for Radiologists in the UK. For overseas doctors relocating to the UK, the FRCR is one of two options to support full GMC registration (postgraduate qualification or PLAB route). For doctors who wish to secure a senior clinical radiology job in the NHS reflective of their current practice, we advise that FRCR would be the best route to choose. FRCR is often an essential requirement for jobs in radiology such as breast, cardiac, interventional, musculoskeletal and so on.
Eligibility for FRCR in Radiology:
First FRCR: To be eligible you must:
hold a Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) that is recognised by the GMC for registration purposes.
hold a formal clinical radiology post in which they are actively receiving clinical radiology training.
no minimum period of clinical experience or training is required to enter the exams
Final FRCR Part A: To be eligible you must:
have passed the First FRCR examination
have acquired 24 months in a formal clinical radiology training post by the month which the examination is taken
Final FRCR Part B: To be eligible you must:
have passed the Final FRCR Part A
have acquired 34 months in a formal clinical radiology training post by the month which the examination is taken
Content and structure for FRCR - Diagnostic Radiology
First FRCR Examination: It is delivered on a digital platform and as such is now also available across a larger number of test centres than before. The First FRCR examination expects candidates to have sufficient knowledge of two modules:
the physical principles that are the foundation of diagnostic medical imaging
the anatomy needed to perform and interpret radiological studies.
The test is divided into two parts:
Anatomy - image viewing session delivered on an individual workstation
Physics - multiple choice written question (MCQ) paper
Final FRCR Part A: The Final FRCR Part A examines candidates on all aspects of clinical radiology and the basic sciences of physics, anatomy and the techniques as per the Specialty Training Curriculum for Clinical Radiology syllabus.
The examination comprises two single best answer papers, each containing 120 questions and covering a broad range of the core curriculum. Exams are 3 hours for each sitting. The paper comprises a mix of questions from across a wide range of the curriculum:
Cardiothoracic and Vascular
Musculoskeletal and Trauma
Genito-urinary, Adrenal, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Breast Paediatric
Central Nervous and Head & Neck
Final FRCR Part B: This part to the assessment examines candidates on all aspects of clinical radiology against the curriculum and consists of three components. All components are examined by an image viewing session delivered on individual workstations.
a reporting station
rapid reporting session
an oral examination
Updates to the exam formats in light of COVID-19:
Given the disruption caused by COVID-19 it is advised to keep updating yourself of the RCR examination changes and updates posted on their website. This link here specifically takes you to the examination updates section. Information on the dates, fees and venues for the FRCR examinations are found within. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic most exams have now moved online in some form or another, with remote proctering (invigilation) in place to prevent cheating and ensure continuation of exam settings.
First FRCR Examination in Clinical Radiology: An online invigilation (proctoring) element will be introduced for both modules from June 2021. This will enable you to sit both modules at a location of their choosing rather than attending an RCR exam venue. You will need to ensure minimum software, a stable internet connection and an appropriate examination environment. The third-party proctoring service – Examity – provides a computer-readiness check prior to the examination to enable candidates to check suitability of their set-up. On the RCR page here you'll find a number of instruction and technical support guides and videos - it is highly recommended to read through all of these before applying.
FRCR Part 2A (Radiology) - CR2A: This examination will be proctored online. The examination is delivered by a software (Speedwell) which can now be integrated with Examity’s examination proctoring system, allowing candidates to take secure high-stake examinations at home or at a place of the candidate’s choosing where they should have a stable internet connection, a quiet working atmosphere and must be on their own. See our remote invigilation (proctoring) guidance for further information.
FRCR Part 2B (Radiology) - CR2B: The reporting component of this examination will be computed based at the venue candidates have chosen. Candidates will receive a username and password to access the examination. The reporting instructional video and accompanying demonstration site should be viewed prior to the examination. The oral component will also be delivered to candidates in venues, via video conference, and further detail shows in the orals guidance video.
Examination content will be shared via MS Teams and candidates will be able to take control of the mouse and access functionality to manipulate images. After 30 minutes candidates will move to the second room and complete the second 30-minute session of the oral exam with different examiners.
As an overseas candidate, where & when can I sit the exams and how much will they cost me?
This link here specifically takes you to the examination updates section. Information on the dates, fees and venues for the FRCR examinations are found within.
How do I apply for the FRCR examinations?
UK Trainees are given priority for examination places, whilst overseas candidates are offered those places not taken through a priority 2 window date after the earlier application date.
How should I prepare for the FRCR exams?
With lots of materials online we have discussed with IMGs the best place to start looking for resources and materials relating to the exams. Most IMGs recommended starting with the Royal College, who have created useful resources to help you prepare, see below:
Syllabus: The syllabus for these examinations can be found in the Specialty Training Curriculum for Clinical Radiology.
Instructional videos and demonstrations: The Royal College recommends that applicants familiarise themselves with the platform via the instructional videos and accompanying demonstration site found here.
Sample questions: The Royal College created useful sample questions and answer sheets to help you prepare for each exam:
FRCR Part 1 sample questions & answer sheet
Final FRCR Part A & answer sheets
Final FRCR Part B – sample image
General FRCR exam advice: There are also many useful resources to offer more general advice for each section of the FRCR examinations, including:
Anatomy examination advice
First FRCR instructions for candidates
Final FRCR Part A format and question advice
TNM Staging – required knowledge to answer questions
Final FRCR Part B – instructions for candidates
Examiners report – to help prepare for future sittings
I passed the FRCR exams! What next?
First of all, congratulations! After you have passed all three parts of your FRCR examinations, you can apply for a full registration with a license to practice. Once the GMC have approved your application, you can work as a doctor in the UK. Don't hesitate to get in touch once you have completed FRCR radiology to discuss opportunities available to you in the NHS.
For the latest news and updates on all things radiology, including the Royal College, GMC registration and the NHS, follow us on social media and join the conversation.
Life is not all about work!
It has been great to hear first-hand from overseas doctors who recently relocated to the UK the main reasons they have enjoyed their move and quickly settled into life in the UK.
The UK is bursting with events and festivals from top to bottom, and these can make some of the best shared experiences for you and your family to create memorable moments. We enjoy them so much that we have put together some of the best British cultural events that you simply have to experience!
1. The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo
Taking place from the 2 – 24th August, this annual series of nightly performances brings the Edinburgh Skyline to life! Armed forces from the UK, across the Commonwealth and internationally, come to Edinburgh to perform. Music, dance, drama, and a mass of Pipers play against the backdrop of the castle.
2. Glastonbury Festival
A five-day festival of performances, arts and crafts, Glastonbury is a community that pops up every year to enthral and bring people together. A huge line up of performers entertain over 170,000 people at the largest greenfield festival in the world! Just don’t forget your wellies (waterproof boots).
3. Chelsea Flower Show
An annual garden extravaganza, bursting with creation and colour, this is not to be missed! This is regarded as the most important flower show in the world, and on your first visit you will see why! With displays of colour and cutting-edge garden design be prepared to be dazzled, just don’t expect to see any gnomes.
4. The Edinburgh Fringe
Discover the world of arts in one city, an inspiring collection of the best performances and entertainment from not just the UK, but the whole world. Visitors come from all four corners of the globe to attend this annual event of arts, crafts, music, comedy, literature, theatre, dance, street performance and much, much more! You can even set up your own event if you feel brave enough!
5. Notting Hill Carnival
This is the biggest street party in the whole of Europe. Taking place in London over three days and created by members of the British West Indian Community, this inaugural event attracts over a million people! It is a hugely significant event in British culture, celebrating diversity, music and carnival! Be ready to dance!
6. Hay on Wye Festival
If literature is your thing, and let’s face it, it should be, then try this celebration of all things written in the village of books! Taking place in the beautiful Brecon Beacons, this ten-day festival invites writers, poets, broadcasters, radio shows and podcasters to share their work.
7. Liverpool Biennial
A huge festival of contemporary visual art, and the best that the UK has to offer. Every two years the city opens its doors to a huge range of artists and their work. Projects span the city for the public to see, take a walk to odd locations, see public spaces transformed, unused buildings become a work of art, and Liverpool galleries burst with new exhibitions.
8. Great Exhibition of the North
A true showcase for the North of England, artists, designers and businesses all combine forces to show off all that the North has to offer. Based in Newcastle, enjoy a free celebration throughout the whole summer of the Northern spirit and soul of the UK. Expect plenty of unforgettable experiences.
9. Guy Fawkes Night
A festival enjoyed the length and breadth of the country, Guy Fawkes Night is open to all. Also known as Bonfires Night and Fireworks Night, it is easy to understand what to expect… local events take place in every village, town and city, so it won’t take you long to work out where to go and join the fun!
So, there we have it, 9 of the most unmissable events in British culture! Let us know if you have any favourites or anything new to add to the list, we would be delighted to hear from you!
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